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该书为《美猴王汉语》系列丛书中的一种,适合7~10岁零起点儿童学习,强调在游戏和轻松的氛围中学习汉语,为儿童今后系统学习汉语打下坚实的基础。 该套丛书为《汉语乐园》系列中的一种,强调在游戏和轻松的氛围中学习汉语,为儿童今后系统学习汉语打下坚实的基础。课文内容除了学习词汇、常用短小的句型以外,还含有大量汉语游戏、儿歌、歌曲等。本册包括: ★41 个生词★ 6 lessons ★ 3 首歌 ★ 3 首儿歌 ★ 1 CD ★ 2 页不干胶
Sun Wukong, the Handsome Monkeng kings, is the hero of the Chinese literary classic Journey to the West (Wu Cheng'en, the Ming Dynasty).This novel was based on a true story of a famous Chinese monk,Xuan Zang(602-664).After years of trial and tribulations,he travele on foot to what is today India,the birthplace of Buddhism,to seek for the Sutre,the Buddhist holy book.Finally he got the sutras and returned to China,or the Great Tang as was called at that time .Hranslated the sutras into Chinese,thus making contribution to the development of Buddhism in China.
In this novel,Buddha arranged for a monkey to become the monk's disciple and escort him,to ensure that he makes it to the west to get the sutras.The monkey called Sun Wukong,made the adventurous journey with Tangseng(the master),the other two disciples-Zhubajie(the pig-man)and Shaheshang(the monk)and Baliongma(the horse).
In this novel,Buddha arranged for a monkey to become the monk's disciple and escort him,to ensure that he makes it to the west to get the sutras.The monkey called Sun Wukong,made the adventurous journey with Tangseng(the master),the other two disciples-Zhubajie(the pig-man)and Shaheshang(the monk)and Baliongma(the horse).