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Common Knowledge about Chinese Geography
- ·统一的多民族大家庭United Multi-ethnic Country
- ·中国的人口Population
- ·在中国的版图上Territory
- ·中国的地理位置Location of China in the World
- ·中国的地形 China's topography
- ·中国的气候 China's climate
- ·中国的经济 China's economy
- ·中国的工业 China's Industry
- ·中国的农业 China's Agriculture
- ·喜马拉雅山 The Himalayas
- ·秦岭 The Qinling Mountains
- ·长白山 The Changbai Mountains
- ·天山 The Tianshan Mountains
- ·昆仑山 The Kunlun Mountains
- ·青藏高原 The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- ·内蒙古高原 The Inner Mongolian Plateau
- ·黄土高原 The Loess Plateau
- ·云贵高原 The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau
- ·东北平原 The Northeast Plain
- ·华北平原 The North China Plain
- ·长江中下游平原 The Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley Plain
- ·塔里木盆地 The Tarim Basin
- ·柴达木盆地 The Qaidam Basin
- ·四川盆地 The Sichuan Basin
- ·长江 Yangtze River
- ·黄河 Yellow River
- ·雅鲁藏布江 Yarlung Zangbo River
- ·京杭运河 Beijing-Hangzhou Canal
- ·鄱阳湖 Poyang Lake
- ·洞庭湖 Dongting Lake
- ·太湖 Taihu Lake
- ·青海湖 Qinghai Lake
- ·台湾岛 Taiwan Island
- ·海南岛 Hainan Island
- ·南海诸岛 The South China Sea Islands
- ·铁路 Railways
- ·公路 Roads
- ·航空 Aviation
- ·水运 Water Transport
- ·三峡工程 The Three Gorges Project
- ·小浪底水利枢纽工程 The Xiaolangdi Key Water Control Project
- ·南水北调 Water Diversion from South to North
- ·矿产资源 Mineral Resources
- ·动物资源 Animal Resources
- ·植物资源 Plant Resources
- ·水资源 Water Resources
- ·环境保护 Environmental Protection
- ·历史名城与现代都市——北京 Famous Historical Cities and Modern Cities—— Beijing
- ·上海 Shanghai
- ·天津 Tianjin
- ·重庆 Chongqing
- ·南京 Nanjing
- ·苏州 Suzhou
- ·杭州 Hangzhou
- ·哈尔滨 Harbin
- ·大连 Dalian
- ·武汉 Wuhan
- ·广州 Guangzhou
- ·深圳 Shenzhen
- ·厦门 Xiamen
- ·昆明 Kunming
- ·拉萨 Lhasa
- ·西安 Xi'an
- ·呼和浩特 Hohhot
- ·香港 Hong Kong
- ·澳门 Macao
- ·旅游胜地—黄山 Tourist Attractions Mount Huangshan
- ·庐山 Mount Lushan
- ·武夷山 Mount Wuyi
商品属性 [作者] 国务院侨务办公室 [出版社] 香港中国旅游出版社 [图书装订] 平装 [图书书号/ISBN] 962-8746-48-0 [出版日期] 2004.9